
Greece is known as the birthplace of democracy. It is also home to many beautiful and historical tourrist attractions.

One of the most popular attractions in Greece is the Acroplis of Athens. The Acropolis of Athens is a famous ancient cidel, many people think of the Acropolis when they think of Greece becuase of its iconic position rising above Athens.

Visiting Greece

When in Greece, you can't miss the opportunity to visit some of the famous ancient ruins which provide a window into the expansive and fascinating history of ancient greek culture.

The country is also famous for its food, Greece is known for many things but the incredible cuisine certinitly rises to the top of that list. Some favorites are their delcious gyros as well as the mouth watering saganaki.

Greek Islands

Experience the Culture

Greek culture has evoled over many years, but most notable it is know for some of its beuatiful pieces of art and architecture.

It is famously on full display inside many of Greece's famous Orthodox churches.

"It takes a lifetime to discover Greece, but it only takes an instant to fall in love with her.”

- Henry Miller

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